Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Some Sketches for the Indie GoGo

Here's some sketches I'm developing for the IndieGogo.

Not all of these will make it to the finished stages. Maybe they will make it to the graphic novel when it's published (hopefully soon!). I hope you like these pieces. Any feedback or commentary is more than welcome..

Also, whatever you can to support the IndieGogo, doesn't matter how much. It allows me to bring the campaign to the next level. Which means getting a crack team together to make the comic book super awesome, as well as marketing the comic book to bring in more fans and supporters! This is how we make it happen people! Together! Once again enjoy!


Murdock knows how to get sympathy in all the right places.
Every adventure needs a villain right? The 9 foot, 2 inch Dante ranks  as one.

My many sketches- graphic novel's in development.

The cliche team pic! 

Buds for life! Steve (Left) and Dirk (Right)

Danger-Squad's a go! 

Where it's all getting done... My workstation

New website Relaunched- Danger-Squad is on the move!

Welcome to the homepage of Dirk Domingo and the Danger-Squad! Here on this page, I'll post up some new art work and some old web-comics from back in the day for Danger-Squad. I hope you enjoy what you see, and when you get a chance jump over to IndieGogo and support the campaign to turn this into a hardcover comic book!

I look forward to making this all a reality in the near future. And it won't be possible without your support. Enjoy!

Duran Rivera